How to use this project

Next.js Blog

How to use this project

This project uses Hygraph, so you need to create an account there first.

Repository on GitHub: github/GabrielDeFreitas/gabriel-freitas-blog

After you need to create the Schema, just follow the steps:

Schema > Add New Model with `Place` name

  • And add the following fields:
    • Single Line Text as name
    • Slug as slug
    • Rich Text as description
    • Single Line Text as shortDescription
    • Asset Picker as gallery

Schema > Add New Model with `Page` name

  • And add the following fields:
    • Single Line Text as heading
    • Slug as slug
    • Rich Text as body

After that, fill some values and don't forget to publish!


In order to create a token access, go to Settings > API Access, inside this page, find Permanent Auth Tokens.

Create a Token Name and mark all queries possible. Save and get the token.


After creating your account on Hygraph and following the steps above, you just need to rename.

The .env.example to .env.local (if you plan to run locally) and edit the keys there.

With all set, you can start the application with:

npm run dev or yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

What is inside?

This project uses lot of stuff as:

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • dev: runs your application on `localhost:3000`
  • build: creates the production build version
  • start: starts a simple server with the build production code
  • lint: runs the linter in all components and pages
  • format: runs prettier in all components and pages

If you want to have a chat, feel free to contact me.